Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing
Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing is a 501(c)(6) organization designed to increase the knowledge base and promote the development and use of environmentally responsible, high performance roof systems.The center’s core purpose is to provide a forum that draws together the entire roofing industry into this common cause.The organization’s objectives are:To serve as an information clearinghouse for information pertaining to energy, the environment and roofingTo coordinate and encourage objective researchTo serve as a research link between academia and industry and provide a forum for ongoing peer review of such researchTo safeguard jurisdiction to ensure new roofing products, systems and services remain within the sphere of the roofing industryTo expand market opportunities for contractors, design consultants and manufacturersTo conduct science-based advocacy on behalf of the industry to ensure a favorable market climate for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologiesTo coordinate standards and codes, both in the U.S. and abroadThe center endeavors to advance innovative solutions that help roofing consumers save energy, reduce the environmental impact of roofing material life cycles and promote the understanding that the spirit of collaboration between all roofing stakeholders is the critical ingredient for innovation.