Rate It Green, LLC (www.rateitgreen.com)
Rate It Green is a directory, network, and information resource for the green building industry. Through client reviews, testimonials, and candid conversations, Rate It Green helps individuals and companies find green building products and services, while also helping product manufacturers and service providers reach new clients. Rate It Green welcomes all green builders, from beginners to seasoned experts, and for both residential and commercial projects. Individual Membership and Basic Company Listings are FREE of charge.
Rate It Green was created out of the passionate belief that green builders and green building companies can help the industry grow even more rapidly if they can connect across industry segments and geographies to share information and advice. If TripAdvisor can generate 200+ million reviews by perfect strangers helping each other with hotel and restaurant recommendations, imagine what millions of green builders can do!
Rate It Green works with both buyers and sellers to increase information and confidence to facilitate successful long-term client and vendor relationships – and in so doing to help reduce the footprint of the built environment. Trusted information can be hard to find in the green building industry; this deficiency unnecessarily frightens too many buyers and simultaneously makes it harder for companies to market sincerely. Client reviews and conversations within a focused network can build confidence and help solve this information and marketing problem.